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Tag: Spinal Stenosis

AARP’s Surgeries to Avoid

  An AARP article that discusses common surgeries to avoid – including spinal fusion – has recently made its way back into the headlines. Specifically, it cites studies that show the frequency of this procedure has increased 1,400 percent between 2002 and 2007, and does not appear to be slowing down. The article suggests that the surgery is dangerous and is no more effective than physical therapy, which is inaccurate and misleading. Spinal fusion involves the joining of two or more vertebrae together, using screws and rods along with bone graft material, and sometimes cages (devices that support the vertebra). …

Jarvis Jones – Spinal Stenosis

I see patients in my practice with conditions ranging from neck and lower back pain to spinal fractures.  From one patient to the next, the injury is never the same. This is most certainly the case with spinal stenosis, a condition that I often see and treat. Let’s start with what spinal stenosis is. It is a narrowing of the spinal canal that can occur anywhere along the length of the spine. The symptoms depend on what part of the spinal cord or nerve roots that are affected. Although spinal stenosis is more common in older patients due to the …