Video Reviews


Dr. McCance is the best and despite what was said by Tim Beach he is not at all about the money…Dr. McCance is all about helping people. I was a patient 15 years ago and have been very pleased with my results. I sent my step-daughter to see Dr. McCance when she had severe neck pain.There was an issue with her insurance but Dr. McCance told his staff to set up the surgery and not worry about the insurance he would accept whatever they paid…it was vital she have the surgery ASAP. Not only did he perform the surgery he also went back in a few days later to fix other issues. Dr. McCance prevented my Stepdaughter from having permanent damage. Dr. McCance has never been about the money! ~ Google

Dr. McCance performed a flawless lumbar laminectomy on me two weeks ago. I’m not in anymore pain and I can walk normally again. He is definitely the best of the best!! ~ Vitals

Dr. McCance is a highly gifted surgeon who performed a spinal fusion and laminectomy on me one year ago, due to spondylolisthesis (Google it 😉 and spinal stenosis. I just had my one-year post surgery check up, and the x-ray showed an excellent outcome. I am almost completely pain-free and able to have a normal life after years of suffering. In addition to his stellar skills as a surgeon, his beautiful office and attentive, proactive staff makes the office visits smooth and relatively stress free. ~ Vitals

I had a spinal fusion with instrumentation back in May. Dr. McCance assured me that surgery would take away my pain and he was right. I no longer suffer from back pain and it’s been a little over a month since surgery. Dr. McCance is a truly gifted professional with an excellent bed side manner and an excellent staff. I’m so happy I decided to let him do my surgery. ~ Vitals

Dr. Sean McCance operated on my back (spinal fusion) in February…and my improvement has been phenomenal!!!!! There has been a total and complete resolution of all and any preexisting discomfort or pain. However, what made the experience- for an old, nervous, anti-surgery man- is the McCance team (from receptionist to physician assistants)!! From the first visit- for a second opinion- to the postoperative treatment (to this day), the care concern, and gentle treatment by Dr. McCance and his team in the office and in the hospital made the entire experience much, much easier and more comfortable that I had ever imagined.  Anyone considering back surgery, which in my opinion, should be the last resort, can certainly communicate with me about surgery and Dr. McCance and his team.  ~ Google

Dr. McCance really is amazing. He gave me my life back. He did a microdiscectomy on my L5S1 disk. Waking up from surgery, I felt instant pain relief. Now I’m 2 months in, and I feel great. Thanks Doc. I will forever be grateful. ~ Google

I first came to Dr. McCance with excruciating back pain after visiting three other physicians – spinal-problem experts. The first conversation was very informative whereby all the pain sources were identified and explained. The need for an operation was explained to me and enough time was given to me so that I do not feel “pushed” to undergo such an extensive invasive treatment. The reception in the operating room was laced with humor and calming comments. The operation was performed and I was placed in ICU for 48 hours. Several of Dr. McCance assistance visited me daily and he passed by to check me as well. Throughout my two days stay his encouraging and reassuring statements made me feel better. The pain subsided and the PT assigned to me was helpful, but mostly was the knowledge that Dr. McCance’s supervision is constantly there. I must admit that several times since the operation I asked myself whether this extensive invasive treatment was the right course of action, however the absence of my pain, the constant advice from his office and the assurance that a full recovery, although slow, will eventually prevail, instilled in me a level of certainty that I have done the right thing. The only thing that remains is to express my deepest gratitude to Dr. MaCance for his superb surgical skills accompanied by his calming and assuring demeanor. Thank you Dr. McCance you sure are a treasure to cherish for the city and humanity at large. ~ HealthGrades

Amazing Surgeon. Great bedside manner. Gave me my life back. ~ Facebook

I had a Posterior Spinal Fusion with instrumentation performed by Dr. McCance in May, 2018. Dr. McCance did an excellent job, took away my constant pain. I’m happy I chose Dr. McCance to do my surgery. He made me feel comfortable at my first visit, assuring me that the surgery he was going to perform would help me. He was right, my back pain immediately went away. Now, I am recovering from the surgery but I suffer no more. I will be forever grateful to Dr. McCance. ~ Healthgrades

I am 8 weeks out from a very successful lumbar laminectomy by Dr. McCance. I am pain-free not only from the actual surgery but also the pain that caused to need for the surgery. Of course I am fortunate and there is never a guarantee, BUT having Dr. McCance doing the surgery was the correct decision. Also the staff is pleasant and the office is orderly, not like some other surgeons’ offices I visited. I know it is scary to do back surgery, but living with that pain was unacceptable. ~ Healthgrades

Dr. McCance is given the highest recommendation by me. He recently performed a 7-hour spinal fusion despite the many factors I brought to him, including bone density issues, and anything that can possibly be wrong with my back. I wish I had found him many years ago. ~ Healthgrades

At 55 years old I ruptured a vertebrae (C6&7) carrying a heavy pile of wood. Long story short – physical therapy did not work to alleviate the arm and hand numbness, muscle atrophy and pain. After many choices I elected to have Dr. McCance perform a spinal fusion rather than alternative disc replacement surgery by another doctor. The surgery went very well and Dr. McCance was excellent (he came to see me right after the evening surgery and the next morning at 5:45am) – extremely experienced (he has probably performed over 4,000 surgeries if my memory is correct). I began working with a physical therapist in addition to my follow-up visits with Dr. McCance – after 16 weeks or so I began more than walking for exercise – I went slow at first and began leading up to more robust resistance training (weight lifting and cords). After a few weeks at this level I noticed the muscle coming back and now after months of progressing I am back to 100%, full range of motion and fully active – running, swimming, golfing, fishing, boating, weight lifting, you name it I’m doing it without any pain whatsoever. I was worried I that I would have to take it easy after the surgery – not true. Don’t give up, trust Dr. McCance, follow advise and then make the effort to build your muscles back. I’m very active everyday and you can be too – just put in the effort and follow directions. I’m literally in better shape than before the surgery. Don’t be afraid to lose your activities and life style. My experience is proof it can be done quite easily. An unfortunately great experience. Thank you Dr. McCance and Team!!!! ~ Vitals

I got my first of 2 spine surgery operations from Dr. McCance when I was 18 years old. 7 days later, he operated again to finalize the procedure. This was in 2001 (15 years ago), and yet I’m still as grateful as always for the stellar job he did on my spine surgery.  Make no mistake about it — my operation was a major one. I had severe curve in my spine and absolutely needed surgery. Through two procedures, his team corrected my scoliosis and fused my spine from T3 to L3, which is a 12 level fusion (thoracic to lumbar). In English, more than half of my spine was fused with metal rods! If you think that I’m living confined to a wheelchair, rolling around in pain, or bed ridden to this day, you’re not crazy. The truth is, however, I was able to recover and live an active life as a professional circus performer. Although I couldn’t pursue a career as a full-time professional acrobat as I originally planned due to my spinal condition, I was able to continue juggling and have made a bigger name for myself as a professional in that field.  Don’t get me wrong. Recovery was grueling. I had to work my butt off and fight through countless hours of physical rehab to get back to normal activity. There are still things that I cannot do. I had to say goodbye to doing backflips, playing contact sports, and doing heavy manual labor. But the good part is that I did eventually return to a normal life, and at 33 years old, I’m in even better shape than my 18-year old, pre-surgery self. With Dr. McCance’s great attention to detail when it came to my case, I felt like I was his only patient. When I tell people the type of operation that I got, they’re in disbelief until I show them a photo of my x-ray. They see how fit I am and the career that I have, and they say “No way!” They then rightfully credit me for what they can imagine was a tough recovery, but I also make it a duty to bring attention to the incredible job that Dr. McCance did. I couldn’t have had a better surgeon to do it, and I highly appreciate all of his hard work. If you’re with him, you’re in good hands. ~ Yelp

I am an active individual whose life came to a complete halt early last year. I was experiencing excruciating, debilitating back pain in the upper region of my back, just to the side of my spine. From March on, all I could do was sit up – either in bed (even to sleep, I couldn’t lay down) or in a living room chair. It was a complete nightmare. My spinal doctor referred me to Dr. McCance for treatment, after 5 epidurals only gave me very temporary relief (a week or two at most). Dr. McCance examined me and scheduled me for a series of diagnostic tests, to be sure of what the problem was and to then decide on the most effective treatment. He proscribed quite a few tests, just to be sure of the correct diagnosis and treatment. I had a cervical disc fusion last November (2014), and had immediate relief – the terrible pain that I had suffered with was completely gone. The surgery performed by Dr. McCance was 100% successful. I have resumed my normal life, and can do anything that I could do previous to my medical issue. Dr. McCance gave me my life back, and I am very grateful to him for that. ~ Facebook

My experience with Dr. McCance was excellent all around. He’s the best of the best. He saved me from permanent nerve damage. ~ Yelp

Dr. McCance was recommended to my husband by a family friend who is a physician.  Dr. McCance had operated on his wife and son with excellent results.  My husband had broken his back 40 years prior in a car accident and had surgery at that time but was having major issues with his back again.  The work that was performed by Dr. McCance could not have gone any better.  Dr. McCance was exceptionally caring, knowledgeable and efficient.  The surgery was a great success and the recovery was smooth. We have both sung Dr. McCance’s praises ever since and have been remiss in not posting our heartfelt endorsement sooner. ~ Yelp

All that I can say is that Dr Mccance is the best – I had constant back and neck pain. He did my neck surgery about 19 years ago and I am still feeling good He is the kind of doctor that you can trust to help you make a good decision. ~ Google

For nearly 14 years I suffered with chronic low back pain. I saw no less than 4 different orthopedic doctors who dismissed my accounts of pain in favor of reading x-rays which did not rise to the threshold of recommending anything more than physical therapy and acupuncture and “stress” reduction. Dr. McCance was different. He believed me, And more importantly he pursued further testing which ultimately showed lumbar degeneration which warranted fusion surgery. He saw what others could not see, And I am pleased to say that as a result of surgery I am now whole. The pain is gone and i have my life back. And the added plus is I am vindicated. I am 100% of what I need to be.  ~ Facebook

I had spine surgery with Dr. McCance a decade ago – and it gave me back my life. I will never forget what a gentleman he is, and how all the staff at Mt. Sinai revered him. All the other accolades from the other grateful patients are true for me as well. ~ Google

Very professional office and staff was amazing. Dr. McCance is a gifted spine surgeon. ~Healthgrades

Dr. McCance is a top quality doctor. He is compassionate, reliable, highly intelligent, and truly one of a kind doctor. Highly recommended! ~ Yelp

My back issues started about 12 years ago. I had a bulging herniated disk. I saw doctors in Albany Syracuse and Ogdensburg New York I was told because of my age they would not do surgery. The doctor and Albany told me that as the years go on my back pain would get worse which was true. I had a hard time getting any sort of medication for help doctors didn’t believe that I was in pain even though I had a mri to show I had something wrong. The pain kept getting worse and worse. I couldn’t take care of myself I had to have someone home with me. I couldn’t even use the bathroom. In 2017 I slipped on my mom steps and my bulging disk went to a collapse disk I couldn’t even walk 10 feet without screaming at times. Still the doctors did nothing. The pain was so bad all I could think about was if I were to die I would not be in pain anymore. I had reached out to my aunt about my thoughts of death and of course she was like you have to little kids and they gonna need you. With research I found doctor McCance. They got me right in and worked with me with all my appointments, mind you I live 6 hours away. Dr McCance Was the only doctor who understood and the listened to how I felt. The doctor in Ogdensburg told me that if I did the back surgery I would never lift 10 pounds again of course I talk to dr mcCance about my Concerns. So In March 2018 I did the surgery best decision I’ve ever made. doctor McCance is a wonderful dr. I have no pain once in a while I ache but nothing like before. I can even play with my kids. I can enjoy like now. I would recommend dr mccance to anyone matter of fact I sent my best friend to him. The money I spent to have my surgery done with him was worth it. Dr. McCance meeting was a blessing.I thank you so much Dr. McCance for helping me and being an honest highly educated doctor, I still feel great. Thank you ~ Facebook

I was initially diagnosed with multiple myeloma which led to the deterioration of my C4. Considering my very complex situation, I found Dr McCance to be the most qualified for the job. He was very thorough in explaining the process of the surgery from the beginning to the end. It is now 6 months after the procedure and I have not experienced any complications and am completely satisfied. I highly recommend the office Dr. McCance if you’re considering any type of evasive spinal surgery. ~ Google

I’ve had neck pain (herniated discs) since around 2005 and always struggled through with a mixture of pain meds, PT, rest, pillows….you name it. Last summer 2017 it started to get much worse to the point my right arm had terrible pain in it and I was losing strength, my fingers on my right hand were going numb and the pain in my neck was excruciating, so I decided I had to see someone urgently. I searched “best neck spinal surgeon in NY” and Dr. McCance’s name continually came up. I called Dr McCance’s office on the Monday and saw him the next day and organized an MRI and X rays for the following day. Once he saw those he advised I could try more of the same of what I was doing, but he felt that surgery was the best option. He took his time to explain that I needed 3 level ACDF surgery. He operated on me within approximately 3 weeks of me first seeing him and I am now around 9 weeks post op. While I have some way to go yet, the pain in my arm has gone, as has my neck pain and I have feeling back in my fingers again. I’m starting PT soon and I’m feeling very positive and hopeful that the worst pain is now behind me and I’ll be much better than before. I cannot speak highly enough of Dr. McCance and his team. His team is all extremely polite, attentive and very professional. Special credit goes to the ladies on the front desk and his patient coordinator who went the extra mile to help me with appointments at a very stressful time, and his PAs that called me at home after the op on Thanksgiving when I needed advice on pain management. It was a good reminder that there are still people who will call when they say they’ll call, and do what they say they’ll do. If you have serious neck and back issues and need to see a doctor, or you need a second opinion after seeing other doctors, then I thoroughly recommend seeing Dr. McCance. ~ Vitals

I had a sudden acute broken herniated disc. Dr. McCance saw me the same day I called, his office immediately scheduled all the needed pre-op checks, and I was operated on within 48 hours. I had been a “13” on the 1-10 pain scale; as soon as I got out of the operation the pain was gone and the recovery was rapid. Zero problems two months later, 100% recovered. ~ Healthgrades

Repaired a disc that was not previously repaired properly by another surgeon, and left me in constant pain. Dr. McCance did a great job and I am now as mobile as I should be. He was also very informative as to the pluses and minuses of doing the surgery. There was no hard sell. I highly recommend Dr. McCance. ~ Google

After experiencing life altering back pain for 11 years, I was referred to Dr. McCance. He performed 2 surgeries over the course of a year and a half, but setting my expectation of the need for a second one, The second surgery was a spinal fusion and worked out great!!!!! ~ Google

Now I’m running(5-7 miles) on a consistent basis and will be doing a half-marathon in October. I wasn’t a runner before my surgeries, but now I’m able to do that and more! You didn’t just help me alter my quality of life back to normal, but well above what I ever thought it would be. My wife and I are forever grateful for you and your team! Thanks again!!! ~ Facebook

I returned to Dr. McCance, having undergone a previous surgery (for a different issue) in 2000. This time, I had a large piece of herniated disk sitting on my cervical spinal canal. Very painful, very debilitating. When we mutually determined that I needed surgery, Dr. McCance fit me into his schedule immediately.I awoke from surgery and instantly knew that the surgery had been successful.  As I told one of the PAs, I feel 200% better — beyond expectation. Dr. McCance, is both kind and a very straightforward person, which I appreciate. And of course, results matter above all. I would recommend him unreservedly. I also find his staff to be knowledgeable, respectful and helpful. ~ Yelp

I had spinal fusion in April of 2014 with Dr. McCance and I feel like a new person. He is the only spinal surgeon I would recommend to my family and friends. Dr. McCance also performed extensive spinal surgery on my son following a major motorcycle accident and he is fully recovered. I appreciate the professionalism of the Doctor’s office staff as well. ~ Healthgrades

I recommend doctor McCance….. I was looking for the best surgeon for my daughter ,because that surgery is very dangerous if you are in wrong hands. , and I found the orthopedic Richard I Ulin and he told me about Doctor McCance…When I meet the doctor McCance He was a very nice person….My daughter had 55 degrees curves in the spine and she was feeling pain and feeling depressed about the way she look.., finally the day for the surgery came ….the whole family was waiting about 6 hour,,, The 2nd day we saw my daughter so happy because the way she look and we all was crying because every thing was fine!! ~ Google

Dr. McCance is both friendly and extremely knowledgable. The office and staff are great. I feel 100% better than the first time I went to see him thanks to his amazing talents. I’d recommend him to anyone. ~ Healthgrades

One month ago I had anterior cervical fusion surgery on discs c6/c7. Dr. McCance and his staff were fantastic from the beginning of the process until the end. The doctor made sure all alternatives were exhausted prior to discussing surgery. We made the decision to move forward with it. After waking up from surgery I felt immediate relief on my neck. The recovery went as the doctor described and so far so good. I am now one month post op and feeling better. He is a true professional and I wouldn’t trust any other surgeon for my neck/spine. ~ Google

A lot of people can express their experience with Dr McCance in so many different ways. One could be professionalism, the other kindness, I will just say one short sentence, Dr McCance gave me my life back. After meeting so many doctors and having so many tests done, he was the one that connected it all together. And how I met him? He performed a spinal fusion on my stepmom and we are both healthy and satisfied till this day! ~ Healthgrades

I feel like a new person. Bad lumbar stenosis; herniated discs; just a mess; unable to walk. Everyone around me was amazed at how fast I bounced back from having spinal fusion. Unfortunately I need cervical surgery as well; but I’m not worried having Dr. McCance hands performing this; I’m okay. Back to having a life! Wonderful WONDERFUL Man! ~ Google

After experiencing life altering back pain for 11 years, I was referred to Dr. McCance. He performed 2 surgeries over the course of a year and a half, but setting my expectation of the need for a second one, The second surgery was a spinal fusion and worked out great!!!!!

Now I’m running(5-7 miles) on a consistent basis and will be doing a half-marathon in October. I wasn’t a runner before my surgeries, but now I’m able to do that and more! You didn’t just help me alter my quality of life back to normal, but well above what I ever thought it would be. My wife and I are forever grateful for you and your team! Thanks again!!! ~ Facebook

I was lucky to get recommended to Dr McCance in 2015. Right from the start the process was easy, the office staff was always very helpful and accommodating from scheduling MRI’s to office visits. Dr McCance was always on time and the office was always very clean. The day of the surgery Dr McCance kept my family well-informed on how the surgery was going. Afterwards, the Dr personally checked on me every morning . After an 18 level fusion I could say I haven’t felt this well in years. ~ Healthgrades

I suffered with pain for 5 years, trying everything to avoid surgery. But finally my pain management doctor who was also my cousin, told me I had to go see Dr, McCance. I had spinal stenosis and disc out of alignment. Dr. McCance put in 2 rods and 4 bolts. It has been a slow recovery but I am PAIN FREE and I can’t wish for anything more! ~ Google

I have to take strong exception to the AARP article. In the summer of 2012, I went to see Dr. McCance after suffering with persistent back and sciatic pain which had been getting progressively worse over the past 15 years. The pain had become intolerable and doctor after doctor told me I needed spinal fusion but I resisted that option. Finally, my pain reached THAT point and a friend who was his patient strongly recommended I see Dr. McCance. After my initial visit and after viewing my MRIs, X-Rays, etc. Dr. McCance told me that spinal fusion at 3 levels would help eliminate my pain. It is now 2 1/2 years since my surgery. Every day I get out of bed and my back doesn’t hurt I silently thank Dr. McCance. I can swim, ride a bike, play a little golf and be as active as I want to be (within reason). Dr. McCance changed my life. ~ Facebook

I was operated on by Dr. McCance for cervical stenosis in April, 2016. Every contact I had with him, from my first meeting where he took the time to answer all my and my wife’s questions, the operation itself, his visits to me in the hospital, and post-operative care (two appointments) was exemplary. I found him at all times to be extremely competent, professional, efficient and humane. His office was unusually efficient. I would recommend him without reservation. ~ Healthgrades

Today i had my 1 year follow-up and I am so proud of the decision I made to have chosen dr. Mc Cance. My sciatica pains have been remedied and my life has taken a change for the better. This doctor was my third opinion and I guess 3 times the charm. God bless him and his talented hands. ~ Google

After years of struggling just to be able to walk for few minutes due to my severe non-stop back pain, I was referred to Dr. McCance who saved my life who performed a surgery in my back, now I can cart my kids and back to the gym. There are no words enough to thank you Dr. McCance.
Thank you for saving my life. ~ Facebook

By far an expert in his field of practice. Words cannot begin to express how thankful and fortunate I was to find a surgeon as skilled, patient, and altruistic as Dr. Sean McCance . After living with pain for almost 4 years he was able to bring me instant relief after ACDF surgery. I am 8 weeks post-op and feeling 90% better. Thank you for taking such great care of me! M.C ~ Healthgrades

Dr. McCance has operated on me twice. Both times, the outcome was successful, no problems at all. He is patient, kind, and he truly cares about his patients. Each time I had surgery, he seemed to celebrate my recovery. His office staff is efficient and lovely. I feel so fortunate to have found him. ~ Google

In April 2016 Dr. McCance performed on me a posterior lumbar bone fusion of L2, L3, L4, L5 and S1 with instrumentation and also did a laminectomy. In 2004 Dr. McCance performed on me an anterior cervical bone fusion of C2-C3. Dr. McCance is very cautious in his approach and did extensive testing before operating on me. He is a very highly skilled spinal surgeon and I recommend Dr. McCance without reservation. You would be hard pressed to find anyone more skilled than Dr. McCance. ~ Healthgrades

I’ve had neck pain (herniated discs) since around 2005 and always struggled through with a mixture of pain meds, PT, rest, pillows….you name it. Last summer 2017 it started to get much worse to the point my right arm had terrible pain in it and I was losing strength, my fingers on my right hand were going numb and the pain in my neck was excruciating, so I decided I had to see someone urgently. I searched “best neck spinal surgeon in NY” over a weekend and did some surfing and Dr. McCance’s name continually came up. I called Dr McCance’s office on the Monday and saw him the next day. He and his team immediately organized an MRI and X-rays for the following day. Once he saw those he advised I could try more of the same of what I was doing, but he felt that surgery was the best option. He took his time to explain that I needed ACDF surgery – basically going through the front of my neck, cutting 3 discs out and then filling the gaps with my own bone from my hip and putting a plate over the top of it and then this would all fuse in time. He operated on me within approximately 3~4 weeks of me first seeing him and I am now around 9 weeks post op. While I have some way to go yet to fully get over the surgery , the pain in my arm has gone, as has my neck pain and I have feeling back in my fingers again. I’m starting PT soon and I’m feeling very positive and hopeful that the worst pain is now behind me and I’ll be much better than before. I cannot speak highly enough of Dr. McCance and his team. His team is all extremely polite, attentive and very professional. Special credit goes to the ladies on the front desk and his patient coordinator who went the extra mile to help me with appointments at a very stressful time, and his PAs that called me at home after the op on Thanksgiving when I needed advice on pain management. It was a good reminder that there are still people who will call when they say they’ll call, and do what they say they’ll do. If you have serious neck and back issues and need to see a doctor, or you need a second opinion after seeing other doctors, then I thoroughly recommend seeing Dr. McCance. ~ Google

Since my surgery with Dr. McCance, I am pain-free, something I never thought I could be again. I was unable to turn over in bed or put on my shoes without significant pain. The pain was relieved almost instantly after the surgery. Six months later, I got pregnant with my first child and now, even at 33 weeks along, I am still pain-free! I cannot express here how thankful I am for Dr.McCance’s help and expertise. ~ Facebook

Dr. McCance is a Smart, Highly Talented surgeon, but even more importantly he can explain in lay terms the how/why the spine is reacting that is crystal clear to understand and takes the fear out of treatment. He is the first and only doctor that I have had complete trust in. He is a gentleman and a man of integrity, two very rare characteristics in today’s world. His Entire office staff, his PA Diana, are Professionals, always friendly! They reflect the standard expected in the office! Blessed ~ Healthgrades

In 2009 I had lost use of my right arm, and it had shrunk down to skeletal size… For over a year no one knew what was happening to me, until a good internist figured it out and ordered an MRI. I had never had surgery before, other than tonsils as a kid, so I was nervous plenty! But Dr. Sean McCance at down with me and showed me the problems on the MRI… It was clear I was going to need an Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion… I believe it was C-3, C4 & C-5… You know, one good shove on the street, and BAM! That would have been the end of me, prior to the surgery. So it really was life or death for me. Much to my surprise, Dr. McCance was even helpful financially… he’s a stand up guy, a real Mensch… extremely rare for a surgeon in that position. And was always there to return a call if I needed to talk to him. The surgery was supposed to be something like 90 minutes…. And the doctor had to work on my cervical spine area to buzz away a ton of bone spur material that was causing a lot of problems, and putting me in great danger! A lot of surgeons would have been watching the clock and would have rushed to get it done, but not Dr. McCance. As I have said before — he stuck with me hour after hour after hour… for nearly 6 hours, to clean up all those bone spurs. And he didn’t stop until it was completed properly. Scary stuff… But this is a super pro — and everything was fine. So a month later I was feeling much better, and didn’t even have a scar on my neck where his entrance had been. You know, when it comes to spine surgery — you don’t want to fool around with lesser, inferior surgeons. And I have heard some stories about poor results from lesser surgeons. We’re talking life and death, and you have to go with the very best. And that’s exactly what he is — The Best. I’ll never forget him. ~ Google

Dr. McCance saved me. I had 2 months of incredible arm pain due to a herniated disc on my nerve. After having surgery 2 weeks ago, my arm is already at 80%. I can function without pain again. I highly recommend seeing Dr. McCance if you have any back issues. Thanks again for your help!! ~ Facebook

I have been a patient of Dr. McCance for many years and I have always found him and his staff to deliver care in the most compassionate and professional manner I have ever experienced. Dr. McCance’s surgical and diagnostic skills are exemplary and I wouldn’t trust anyone else with my spine condition. I have referred multiple friends and family members over the years and all of their experiences have been consistently wonderful. ~ Healthgrades

I had severe back pain and Doctor McCance scheduled me for an appointment almost immediately. I was operated on and my recovery went smoothly. I would recommend doctor McCance to anyone who asked me. I also found his staff to be polite helpful and cooperative. ~ Google

Five years strong, I had my surgery in May 2013, this was a life changing surgery. Lumbar Spinal Fusion with a disc replacement, I am able to live a medication free, pain free active life.
thank you ~ Facebook

Suffering from severe lower back pain ? I could hardly walk anywhere. My quality of life had really degraded. Dr McCance recommended spinal fusion. I was very hesitant and scared, as one always hears the negative stories. He said my condition would get worse if I didn’t do this. After the surgery I felt better right away. I could walk and my quality of life is back. Now I can walk and exercise. I can’t thank him enough for giving me my life back. ~ Healthgrades

I was referred to Dr. McCance after 3 weeks of debilitating pain which made walking nearly impossible. His staff scheduled me immediately for a consultation and 5 days later he operated on my lower back at Mt. Sinai. Throughout the process his staff was exceptionally professional, easy to deal with, helpful and made a challenging situation much easier than I expected. The surgery was a complete success and Dr. McCance was attentive during my 2 day hospital stay. His level of competency, professionalism, care and concern are second to none. Terrific surgeon who I would highly recommend. ~ Google

I’ve worked with him in the OR for many years, I’m proud to say I would let him operate on me anytime. ~ Facebook

Dr. McCance is an excellent doctor who is kind, caring and very knowledgeable. I would highly recommend him. ~ Healthgrades

After a massive infection I required spinal fusion, and Dr. McCance was recommended as one of the best. This is true the office staff are great, the surgery was a success and I’m back to work. I Couldn’t walk a year ago, and now I’m doing everything I was doing before it all began. ~ Google

Our experience with Dr. McCance after my daughter broke her back was wonderful. He took the time to explain the X-rays and the course of treatment and assured us that she would heal fine. I would highly recommend Dr. McCance. ~ Healthgrades

I had a discectomy by Dr. McCance about 7 years ago. From the moment I woke up from the surgery I felt relief and I’ve never had a back problem since! Before the surgery, the pain was so bad I could barely walk. Within a week after the surgery I was walking pretty good and after two weeks it was like I never had surgery at all.

Now I hike, run, workout, mountain climb and ice climb. I never thought I would be able to do these things again so I am very grateful the surgery worked well for me. ~ Google

Dr. McCance and his staff were amazing. My mother fractured her neck in a fall. We were able to get an appt right away and Dr. McCance took his time to explain the situation to us and tell us course of treatment. His staff called to make sure my mom was comfortable in the brace. We had to visit his office a total of 3 times and every office experience was a pleasure. I would highly recommend Dr. McCance. ~ Healthgrades

I recently had a five-year post-surgery check-up with Dr. McCance. I shared with him that he “saved” my life. And he did! Dr. McCance operated on my “anterior cervical decompression fusion” of C4 through C7. The compression between the spinal discs had been causing painful pressure to my head and weakness down to my arms. The symptoms were so severe and chronic that I was no longer able to lead a “normal” life. Yet, the surgery to insert titanium in my spine sounded scary. Dr. McCance and his staff took the time to explain the procedure in great detail and share with me what to expect. I was assured by the professionalism, thoroughness and attentive care of Dr. McCance and his team. The surgery was a great success. His team was meticulous in every step before and after the surgery including arranging for several pre-surgery medical tests and follow-up care. I was able to fully resume an active life within few months. These days, I am unaware of spine related pains most of the time. When I think of how my life was before the surgery and how it is now, it’s no exaggeration that Dr. McCance gave me back my life! I am incredibly grateful for the exceptional care I received. ~ Google

I’ve been suffering from severe degenerative cervical stenosis. I have exhausted all options for pain relief to no avail. I went to see Dr. McCance, he ordered a cervical spine x-ray and a CT with Myelogram. After viewing the results he suggested surgery as an option. I opted for the surgery. I’m 9 weeks post op and haven’t felt this good in years. Thank you Dr. McCance. ~ Google

Dr. Sean E. McCance performed surgery on my lower spine on June 26, 2103.When the anesthesia wore off the following morning, my consciousness was flooded with the awareness that “He did it! Dr. McCance and his colleagues, Drs. Frelinghuysen and Koller, along with neurosurgeon Dr. Chaudry had successfully and effectively eliminated the source of my pain.” I was and remain extremely grateful. I needed spine surgery to at least reduce intense pain in my lower back, hamstrings, hips and calves. I hoped this would increase functioning of my lower body. One cause of my lower back pain was spinal stenosis. MRIs also revealed two additional diagnoses: lumbar spondylolisthesis and intracanal epidural cyst. This combination interfered with the spinal cord and major nerves that branch off from it. The result was that I sometimes walked haltingly, creakily, slowly or all of the above AND I WAS IN GREAT PAIN. Simple movements often required inordinate amounts of conscious concentration. I had to stop and allow the pain to subside after walking only ten yards. I have been an avid hiker and walker since I was ten or so years old. This condition forced me to make a huge lifestyle change. As I told Dr. McCance the day his staff scheduled the surgery, “Here I was supposedly in semi-retirement and I could not enjoy taking a walk along the beach.” This stenosis was first diagnosed in 2000 when the pain initially affected my mobility. Most years since then it only affected me 10% of the time. That changed in May 2012. Between then and June 26, 2013 lower back pain plagued me 90% of the time. The persistent compression pain in my lower back was accompanied by throbbing pain in my buttocks, shooting pain down my thighs and lower legs, aching hips and tingling shins. The pain intensity was 7 on a scale of 10, and often spiked to 10/10 during certain motions, such as, sudden twisting to catch something, riding a jerky bus or subway or stepping into an unexpected pothole. These spikes paralyzed me. The pain made everything difficult. It was often nearly impossible to concentrate enough to work at the computer and I had to pass on one-man run and gun video work because I could not endure the pain of lugging around the gear. I could only take gigs that paid enough for me to hire a production assistant. Prior to surgery, I had tried many ways to reduce the pain: acupuncture, chiropractic, podiatry, medicines, massage, physical therapy and different types of shoe inserts and shoes. I consulted numerous orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine specialists, podiatrists, physiologists and pain management doctors. Many of them helped part of the problem, e.g. one chiropractor reversed the footfall that developed in September 2012. The other treatments provided relief for various lengths of time. Earlier this year, I became convinced that only surgery promised long-term relief and possibly a permanent resolution. That’s when I became willing to find the right surgeon. The Universe created an opportunity. A friend of thirty years asked me to accompany him to a spine specialist regarding his very different medical condition. While helping my friend during his consultation with Dr. McCance, I realized I liked his professionalism, his relaxed yet confident manner, his attentiveness, and his use of Physician Assistants to maximize his time efficiency. Once my friend’s situation improved, I consulted with his doctor. The rest is history. Spine Associates “fixed” my back. I walked the day after surgery. The staples were removed on July 9 and on July 14 I participated in a peaceful demonstration that included walking from 23rd and Third to Times Square. We advanced at a leisurely pace and there was no jostling. AND I walked back home afterward. I exercised my civil right of freedom of expression because medical science as practiced by Spine Associates made it possible for me to walk without pain. I look forward to the continued recovery. Follow up visit on August 27 – two months after surgery. That’s when I’ll learn about physical therapy to help me unlearn the compensatory walking habits I picked up from 2000 to 2012. I look forward to resume swimming, low-impact cardiovascular exercise and stretching and to getting my first post-surgery massage. Within months, I will return to my active lifestyle thanks to Dr. Sean McCance and Spine Associates. ~ Yelp

Dr. McCance and the staff were professional, compassionate and knowledgeable. Recently I was diagnosed with a compression of the nerve located at the C6 and C7. I suffered with pain and numbness down my left arm. I met with Dr. McCance and he explained the procedure that would correct the compressed nerve. Although I was nervous Dr. McCance and his staff reassured me everything would be fine. My recovery was as expected and now I am pain-free. ~ Google

I got my first of 2 spine operations from Dr. McCance when I was 18 years old. 7 days later, he operated again to finalize the procedure. This was in 2001 (15 years ago), and yet I’m still as grateful as always for the stellar job he did on my surgery. Make no mistake about it — my operation was a major one. I had severe curve in my spine and absolutely needed surgery. Through two procedures, his team corrected my scoliosis and fused my spine from T3 to L3, which is a 12 level fusion (thoracic to lumbar). In English, more than half of my spine was fused with metal rods! If you think that I’m living confined to a wheelchair, rolling around in pain, or bed ridden to this day, you’re not crazy. The truth is, however, I was able to recover and live an active life as a professional circus performer. Although I couldn’t pursue a career as a full-time professional acrobat as I originally planned due to my spinal condition, I was able to continue juggling and have made a bigger name for myself as a professional in that field. Don’t get me wrong. Recovery was grueling. I had to work my butt off and fight through countless hours of physical rehab to get back to normal activity. There are still things that I cannot do. I had to say goodbye to doing backflips, playing contact sports, and doing heavy manual labor. But the good part is that I did eventually return to a normal life, and at 33 years old, I’m in even better shape than my 18-year old, pre-surgery self. With Dr. McCance’s great attention to detail when it came to my case, I felt like I was his only patient. When I tell people the type of operation that I got, they’re in disbelief until I show them a photo of my x-ray. They see how fit I am and the career that I have, and they say “No way!” They then rightfully credit me for what they can imagine was a tough recovery, but I also make it a duty to bring attention to the incredible job that Dr. McCance did. I couldn’t have had a better surgeon to do it, and I highly appreciate all of his hard work. If you’re with him, you’re in good hands. ~ Google

Dr McCance – gave me my life back!!!! Dr. McCance and his staff are compassionate, dedicated, professional. My spinal fusion was a success- 3 years completely pain-free-I have a pain free life literally got my life back!!!! ~ Google

At the age of 72 my husband suffered from severe spinal stenosis. We had to leave new mexico to seek treatment and chose Dr. McCance on advise of a physician friend. we called on a Thursday, were seen the following Tuesday, had all the required tests, saw a neurologist, got a medical clearance and j.c. had his surgery the following Wednesday. Dr. McCance’s assistant took the best care of us, we didn’t need to arrange anything, all we had to do was show up and we were completely cared for. this was so important for us since the situation was serious, at least to us, we were far from home and friends and i can not describe how great the experience was. I recommend Dr. McCance to anyone with a spinal problem. he is caring, warm, smart; his staff are courteous and warm and i wish all physicians were like this. ~ Google

Our best in class, Upper East Side, NYC back pain & neck pain diagnosis & surgery practiceSpine Associates, is honored to provide you with highly personalized and comprehensive care. Our philosophy of direct management of your case by an expert spine surgeon has made us one of the most trusted and respected spine surgery practices on the Upper East Side in NYC and the world. Feel free to contact the back & neck pain diagnosis and spine surgery specialist today to discuss your unique condition and start yourself on the road to recovery.

Dr. Sean McCance
1155 Park Avenue, Suite E
New York, NY 10128
(212) 360-6500