Tag: Exercise
While biking, hiking, and running are among the most popular outdoor activities for this time of year, water aerobics can be a lower risk alternative to its more common counterparts. High impact activity, such as running, is a great way to burn calories and lose weight but can sometimes be rough on your joints. Water aerobics can be just as effective at trimming weight and gaining muscle, but is much gentler on your joints due to your body’s “weightlessness” during pool time. Water exercise also greatly lowers the risk of heat stroke or dehydration, common concerns during summertime for outdoor …
Derrek is a patient of mine who has left a lasting impression – he recently ran his first half marathon after having a 2 level spinal fusion (see his xray to the left). He is a great example of patients who become more physically active after a spinal fusion than they were before, which is a common experience in our practice. Derrek’s back pain began eleven years before his surgery, when one day he woke up with terrible pain in his back. Over the course of the eleven years, after all else failed, his condition deteriorated to the point where he considered surgery. …
In spinal surgery, advancements in technology and medicine have given doctors new ways to combat conditions affecting the human body. Minimally invasive procedures use small incision for less complex procedures; in robotics, surgeons use robotic arms to carry out a minimally invasive procedures with potentially more accuracy. So what about 3-D printing? Technically, it’s been around since the 1980s, but hasn’t been used in medicine until recent years. Commonly used to support or replace body parts that don’t enter the bloodstream, 3-D printing has the ability to fabricate prosthetic limbs, layer by layer, from the ground up. What is 3-D …
Back pain can hinder us from taking part in the fun activities we love and can also interrupt our day to day life. However, relatively small changes to your routine and overall lifestyle can make a huge impact on your spine health! Outlined below are 6 lifestyle changes you can make to start the New Year off right. 1. Exercise more carefully Staying healthy overall includes the health of the muscles, ligaments, and tendons that support your spine. By monitoring these key areas you can minimize painful flare-ups. When exercising and lifting weights, be conscious of how you lift: always …
Stretching is a great way to prevent and ease back pain. It’s also a great way to relieve stress and relax. Stretching involves controlled movement, controlled breathing, and a level of concentration that helps your mind to cancel out the day-to-day chatter in order to focus on the stretch. Many people feel completely invigorated after stretching! The best part is that you don’t need a lot of space, heavy equipment, or anyone to assist you to get a good stretch in. Before you start, though, here are some tips to keep in mind: Stretching should be pain-free; do not force …
Packing and holiday delays can make travel stressful, but traveling with back pain can be especially taxing. Long periods of sitting and heavy luggage are just some of the obstacles facing travelers with back pain. Here are 5 tips to make your trip more comfortable and less painful. Move as much as you can. It sounds counterintuitive, but you need to move every 20 to 30 minutes. On bus rides, the driver won’t pull over for you to stretch, but on longer flights, walk around the cabin if the fasten seatbelt sign is off. Pull over for a quick stretch …
You may have been able to stick to an exercise routine during the warmer months, but when temperatures drop, we all have the urge to hibernate. When figuring out the best way to continue exercising in cold weather, the obvious answer is to join a gym. But for those who can’t take things indoors (for instance, if you’re training for a marathon), there are some important exercise and equipment adjustments you can make so you can safely brave the cold. In winter, warming up is more important than ever. Consider adding time to your warm-up, and starting indoors so you …
David Kirsch is a fitness expert, wellness guru, and celebrity trainer, who was kind enough to share his best motivational tips for getting a beach body! Check out his website here, and be sure to follow him on Facebook and Twitter. Memorial Day is just a few days away. When thinking about writing a blog to help prepare my clients as well as any exercise enthusiast, I felt that one of the elements often missing is focusing on motivation. Look, the reality is that without motivation, the best exercise plan and nutrition regimen will not succeed. Here, I will talk …
As the New Year begins and my patients are getting back into their routines, I’ve heard a number of healthy living resolutions for 2014. From cutting out junk food to making it to the gym every morning, my patients are focused on living their most healthy 2014. Resolutions can be difficult to stick to, but I wanted to show you five easy ways to change your habits for a happier and healthier new year. Sit tall.Whether you’re sitting at your desk, on a plane, or in the car, proper posture can help reduce strain on your back and minimize unnecessary …
How to Strengthen Your Back with Pilates: Pilates is one of the best exercises around for improving back pain and posture. Firstly, the exercises strongly emphasize a focus on spinal and pelvic alignment. Additionally, they target core muscles in the body that can work together to alleviate back pain and provide strength to effectively create a “brace” for preventing future back pain. The essential components of Pilates are concentration, control, centering of the body, efficiency of movement, precision, and breathing. It’s pretty easy to see how, if done properly, all of these can come together to have a positive impact for …