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Tag: Work

Back Pain Tops List of Workplace Injuries

Even in today’s world where so many of us spend our days at a desk, back injuries are still the most common workplace injuries, according to a survey from U.S. Healthworks. Of course, outdoor workers and those who must regularly lift heavy objects are the first to be hurt, but those who don’t lift anything heavier than a file folder in our 9-to-5 are at risk as well. If you work does happen to be physically demanding, it doesn’t mean you have to live with chronic back pain; there are things you can do to prevent injuries: Make sure you’re …

Improve Your Posture in Just One Post

Practicing good posture is integral to proper spine alignment and can help strengthen core muscles. We all know how important it is to sit tall, but it’s so easy to get a little too comfortable and sink down into a slouch. I’ve found that as soon as I start talking about posture, I immediately see my patients start sitting up straighter and practice their best posture skills. I can bet that many of you who are reading this are starting to sit a little straighter than you did before! Here are five simple tips to improve your posture, and maintaining …