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Tag: Back pain

Do Flat Feet Cause Back Pain?

In a recent study, researchers found that women who have flat feet, a common condition, are 50 percent more likely to have pain in their lower back as opposed to those with normal or high arches. This study is the first of its kind to make a significant connection between low back pain and flat feet.   Published in the journal Rheumatology, the study examined both men and women, measuring each subject’s  arch in the standing position and how pressure was distributed on the foot while walking. To confirm and expand the findings, future studies will likely follow participants with …

Research Round-Up: Back pain intensity may predict future pain and disability

Back pain is one of the most common health complaints: it’s believed that 70 percent of people will experience it in their lifetime. New research found that many of these patients will in turn suffer long-term chronic pain in the low back area. While this may seem obvious, having proven scientific findings at the ready will enable doctors to take immediate action for patients experiencing pain to prevent more problems down the road. In a recent study published by the American Pain Society’s Journal of Pain, it’s become clear that high pain intensity at onset,  as well as a belief …

Text Neck and Other Pain from Digital Devices

You may be familiar with the term “Tennis Elbow,” but have you ever heard of ailments like “Blackberry Thumb” or “Text Neck”? Digital devices no doubt improve our ability to communicate and pass information, but there are also some negative effects to be wary of. Text Neck, as it is commonly referred to, is one of the most recent tech-related maladies to gain notoriety. It refers to the headaches, arm, shoulder, and neck pains that occur when one spends too much time in the common posture for using cell phones, tablets and e-readers. To show just how prevalent this term is becoming, an …

How to Strengthen Your Back with Pilates

How to Strengthen Your Back with Pilates: Pilates is one of the best exercises around for improving back pain and posture. Firstly, the exercises strongly emphasize a focus on spinal and pelvic alignment. Additionally, they target core muscles in the body that can work together to alleviate back pain and provide strength to effectively create a “brace” for preventing future back pain. The essential components of Pilates are concentration, control, centering of the body, efficiency of movement, precision, and breathing. It’s pretty easy to see how, if done properly, all of these can come together to have a positive impact for …

Is Sleeping in Hammocks Bad for Your Back?

During the summer it can be quite a joy to simply sit back and relax in a hammock. You can read a book, enjoy the scenery, or even take a nap. As it turns out, sleeping in a hammock can actually help you fall asleep faster and give you “better” rest, eliminating tossing and turning. Back pain often leads to discomfort, which can disrupt your sleep cycle and even prevent you from getting to sleep at all. It is important to keep in mind that a strong, supportive hammock that is properly hung is the best option for easy relaxation. …

Scoliosis: When is Surgery Required?

Patients frequently come into my practice with the notion that surgery is the best cure to their scoliosis pain. How do you know that’s the best course of action? Well, that’s my job. Surgical decision making for scoliosis is multi-factorial, and we assess many different parameters in coming to the right decision for each patient. The Scoliosis Research Society estimates that approximately 1 in 40, or 7 million people are affected by scoliosis in the United States alone, making it an extremely prevalent condition. Unfortunately it most often develops in children, particularly female adolescents between the ages of 10 and …